Must Read: The Poli-Tricks behind Endosulfan

Friday, April 29, 2011 by: Arun Mathew

The New Indian Express yesterday, published an article, which pretty much exposes how your average politician says No to something when they have to and Yes to the same thing later on and vice versa.’s-clothing/269553.html

Endosulfan: Tormentor now in saviour’s clothing

Kalathil Ramakrishnan First Published : 28 Apr 2011 02:02:59 AM IST Last Updated : 28 Apr 2011 09:55:03 AM IST

KASARGOD: It's an irony of sorts. The LDF and the CPM, now pushing for a ban on endosulfan with agitations, a hunger stir and a hartal, had over 11 years back crushed with brute force a stir against the use of the pesticide in the farflung villages of the district. The state was then ruled by the LDF with E K Nayanar as the Chief Minister.

On December 22, 1999, CPM men attacked a group of youngsters in Bovikkanam who were taking out a peaceful march to the office of the Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK) in protest against the aerial spraying of endosulfan. They beat up the youths telling them that if endosulfan was not sprayed on the PCK plantations, cashew crops would dry up and, consequently, the workers, most of whom belong to the CITU, would be thrown out of jobs. The incident had hogged media headlines then.

Source: The New Indian Express dated 28-April-2011 Trivandrum Edition